Yoga With You on Your Next Vacation

Yoga With You on Your Next Vacation

Can you imagine a better combination than picturesque views, a new culture, and delicious food paired with your yoga practice? Yoga Teacher Training in Bali might be the thing for you! Not ready for this step yet? Well, the next best thing is to take yoga with you while on vacation. Whether it’s an adventurous trip, a relaxing holiday, or somewhere in between, staying consistent with your practice helps in a multitude of ways. Mindfulness: Yoga enhances the habit of mindfulness, grounding us back to the present moment. It trains the mind to be fully present with an experience, and while it’s a beautiful feeling to look back on memories, nothing can beat staring at a sunset, completely immersed in the yellows and pinks, filled with contentment. Maintaining health: Travelling to a…
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Yoga Inspiration: Simple Ways to Stay Motivated in Your Yoga Journey

Yoga Inspiration: Simple Ways to Stay Motivated in Your Yoga Journey

Getting the every-day motivation to get onto the daily practise is not really easy. Being consistent with the yoga practice sometimes becomes challenging. Especially when we have a hectic work-life routine, any long-term commitment, such as staying motivated in the yoga practice, feels very challenging to follow. If you also think so, you are not the only person; a huge number of people face this problem; they need the continuous motivation for yoga. It is normal to experience such time periods where our enthusiasm wanes. However, there are several simple ways to keep the motivation high and the practice consistent. Let us discuss some simple and easy ways to keep our yoga journey motivating and fulfilling. Set Clear and Easy GoalsThere should be clear, realistic and easily to achieve goals…
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The Ultimate Guide to The Heart Opening Yoga Poses for All Levels

The Ultimate Guide to The Heart Opening Yoga Poses for All Levels

Heart opening yoga poses refers to a series of yoga poses which is designed for yoga aspirants to stretch, open as well as strengthen the muscles around their chest and upper back. These yoga poses involve backbends as well as deep chest stretches in order to increase the flexibility and mobility in the thoracic spine and shoulders of a person. The heart opening yoga poses not only improve physical posture of a practitioner but also promote their emotional well-being. Many Yoga teacher training courses in Bali covers this theme in their course.Why is it called heart opening yoga?Heart opening yoga got its name because of its effects on both the physical as well as emotional levels.As per the physical aspect,  a person when practises the heart opening yoga poses, feels…
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The Four Paths of Yoga: Exploring Karma yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga

The Four Paths of Yoga: Exploring Karma yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice which came into existence thousands of years ago in India. It gives a person the holistic approach to his or her physical, mental as well as  spiritual well-being. There are several paths in yoga practice. Every path gives a distinct approach to reaching the ultimate goal of self-realisation as well as union with the divine. In the classical tradition, there are four paths of yoga out of which a practitioner can select one path which suits the practitioner the best as per his or her choice. The selection of the right path is necessary in order to achieve his or her physical, mental and spiritual well-being. While people are quite familiar with the physical practice of yoga, that we know as yoga asanas. However, yoga…
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Sattvic Food and Yoga: The Significance of Sattvic Food for A Transformative Yoga Practice

Sattvic Food and Yoga: The Significance of Sattvic Food for A Transformative Yoga Practice

For the successful practice of yoga, the food a yoga aspirant takes, affects his or her yoga practice significantly. If the aspirant eats Sattvic food, it keeps his or her body and mind healthy as well as helps him or her to achieve the full benefits from Yoga. Bali Yoga Ashram is one of the best yoga schools in Bali that provides several teacher training courses in Yoga and Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, there are three types of foods: Sattvic Food, Rajasic Food and Tamasic Food. These food categories are based on the three gunas. In ayurveda and yoga philosophy, there are three types of gunas: Sattva (Purity, Harmony): This guna represents purity, knowledge as well as harmony. Sattvic foods promote clarity and overall balance in a person. Hence Sattvic…
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June 21: Join the World on International Yoga Day

June 21: Join the World on International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day is a Global occasion that highlights the significance as well as benefits of practicing yoga. People celebrate this Universal event annually on June 21.  This special yoga day that comes once a year brings together millions of people from different cultures as well as backgrounds to participate in yoga activities and encourage people across the globe to adopt and live a healthy lifestyle.The initiative of the International Yoga Day was taken by the Prime Minister of India. He introduced the proposal before the United Nation to encourage people to adopt yoga as a holistic activity for maintaining their holistic health and keeping them free from diseases. The United Nations approved this proposal in 2014 and declared  the date, June 21 as the International Yoga Day. June 21…
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Bhastrika Pranayama: A Beginner’s Guide to the Breath of Vitality

Bhastrika Pranayama: A Beginner’s Guide to the Breath of Vitality

Introduction Bhastrika Pranayama is one of the Most popular types of pranayamas (techniques of breathing) in yoga. While doing this breathing exercise we need to inhale as well as exhale forceful breaths. The word "bhastrika" comes from a sanskrit word which means bellows or pump. It refers to the movements of the diaphragm and lungs during the practice. It is also known as “bellows breath” because the lungs and diaphragm work like a bellow pump while inhaling and exhaling. This forceful and rapid inhalation and exhalation of Bhastrika increase supply of oxygen to the body. This process improves respiratory function of the lungs, boosts energy levels as well as gives better mental clarity and focus. Apart from that, it stimulates the chakras (energy centres) as well as gives a balance…
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Ayurveda and its significance: A Simple Way For Everyday Wellness

Ayurveda and its significance: A Simple Way For Everyday Wellness

An IntroductionAyurveda is a medical system of ancient times. It has been in use since a very old time  as a holistic approach to complete well-being. Ayurveda is also referred to as the "science of life" or the "knowledge of longevity." Ayurveda is a big system of herbal medicines. This system works by balancing the tridoshas "vata pitta kapha" in order to give overall health and harmony in the body. In this article, we are going to explore Ayurveda in detail, also, we will try to understand its core principles as well as unique concepts and practical applications for modern living.Historical RootsAyurveda has its roots in ancient India.  It came into existence as a system of medicine thousands of years ago. The sacred hindu texts “Vedas”, specifically the Atharva Veda…
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Why Choose Bali for Yoga Teacher Training?

Why Choose Bali for Yoga Teacher Training?

If you have decided to pursue a yoga teacher training course to become a certified yoga teacher or yoga instructor, it is important to locate the most suited place for your yoga training. By the way, there are a huge number of choices available worldwide. However, one of the best places is Bali for all kinds of yoga activities including a yoga teacher training course.Bali has a strong recognition for yoga across the world. There are a number of reasons why Bali can be a great choice for yoga teacher training. In order to select the location for your yoga training, you should consider:Location and Environment: Bali has a rich culture which is highly influenced by Hindu culture. Yoga has its roots in Hinduism, hence Bali becomes a natural match…
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The Ultimate Guide to Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

The Ultimate Guide to Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Bali also known as “Island of Gods”, is one of the very special places for Yoga. It has been attracting a lot of yoga practitioners around the world due to its rich culture. This is a perfect destination for someone who needs to work on becoming more self-aware and condition the body and mind to find the deeper connection with this ancient traditional practise.While Yoga is deeply woven into the Balinese culture, Bali offers a perfect natural setup for activities like yoga. There are pristine beaches, terraced rice fields, lush landscapes as well as sacred forests. Such natural beauty makes it a right place for yoga practices.How Yoga Evolved in Bali:Bali’s culture as well as religion has heavy influence from Hinduism and Buddhism. Hindu and Buddhist practices including yoga, became…
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