Heart opening yoga poses refers to a series of yoga poses which is designed for yoga aspirants to stretch, open as well as strengthen the muscles around their chest and upper back. These yoga poses involve backbends as well as deep chest stretches in order to increase the flexibility and mobility in the thoracic spine and shoulders of a person. The heart opening yoga poses not only improve physical posture of a practitioner but also promote their emotional well-being. Many Yoga teacher training courses in Bali covers this theme in their course.
Why is it called heart opening yoga?
Heart opening yoga got its name because of its effects on both the physical as well as emotional levels.
As per the physical aspect, a person when practises the heart opening yoga poses, feels expansion in the chest ribcage, improvement in his or her over all body posture as well as he or she becomes able to perform deep breathing. We also know these yoga poses as chest opening yoga because of the chest expansion effect.
Emotionally and psychologically, these chest opening yoga poses facilitate the release of stored emotions, reduce stress and develop a sense of openness. While energetically, these yoga poses activate the heart chakra of the practitioners which promote emotional balance and well-being. Overall, heart opening yoga poses play a crucial role in improving as well as maintaining both physical as well as emotional health.
What is heart chakra?
The heart chakra, is the fourth chakra of the seven main chakras in the human body according to yoga philosophy. The other name of heart chakra is Anahata chakra. It is the energy centre located at the centre of the chest near the heart. Heart chakra (Anhata chakra) is associated with love, compassion, empathy as well as forgiveness. The heart chakra of a person is the crucial energy centre in the yogic and spiritual traditions which plays a significant role in emotional and physical well-being of the person. So the heart chakra yoga poses are also known as anahata chakra yoga or anhata chakra poses.
The Benefits of heart opening yoga poses
heart opener yoga poses give numerous physical as well as emotional benefits to the practitioners:
Improved Posture: The slouching and hunching develop a faulty body posture in a person. The heart opener yoga poses counter the bad effects of such bad body posture as these poses lead to better spinal alignment as well as better body posture.
Emotional Release: Chest opening yoga poses when opening the chest release the pent-up emotions of a person, which help him or her feel open and free.
Increased Lung Capacity: Heart opening yoga poses improve the lung capacity as well as breath control by expanding the chest.
Enhanced Circulation: These poses stimulate the heart and keep it in good condition as well as improve blood circulation throughout the body of the practitioners.
Boosted Energy Levels: Heart opener yoga poses invigorate and energise the practitioners, making them feel alive and alert.
Six Best Heart Opening Yoga Poses
There are numerous poses for heart chakra or heart opening poses, here are the six heart chakra poses which are accessible for the practitioners of all levels:
- Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
Description: Camel Pose is a deep backbend asana that deeply stretches the entire front of the body of the practitioner which includes the chest, abdomen as well quadriceps, while strengthening the back muscles.
Benefits: Camel pose improves spinal flexibility, opens the chest and shoulders as well as stimulates the respiratory, digestive and endocrine systems.
In order to perform this yoga pose, the practitioner has to kneel on the floor with his or her knees hip-width apart.
Place the hands on the lower back with fingers pointing down. Slowly arch the back now and reach the heels with the hands.
Keep your chest lifted while the neck neutral.
This pose requires 5-10 breaths hold as well as a slow release in every set.
- Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
Description: In Setu Bandhasana a person needs to lift the hips towards the ceiling while keeping his or her feet as well as shoulders grounded, creating a bridge-like shape with the body. Bridge Pose opens the chest and strengthens the back.
Benefits: This pose opens the chest and heart chakra hence, it is a great heart chakra pose which stretches the spine and neck as well as strengthens the back, glutes and hamstrings.
A person needs to lie on his or her back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor with a hip-width distance between the feet.
Place the arms by the sides of the body while keeping the palms facing down. Press now into the feet and lift the hips towards the ceiling. Clasp the hands under the back as well as roll the shoulders under. Take 5-10 breaths in the pose and slowly lower the hips.
- Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
Description: In this pose, a person has to lift his or her chest as well as legs off the floor while opening the front of the body as well as keeping the arms straight and strong. Upward Facing Dog pose stretches the chest as well as strengthens the arms and back.
Benefits: Enhances posture, strengthens the arms, wrists, and spine, and opens the chest, lungs, and shoulders.
The practitioners practising this pose, need to lie on his or her stomach with the hands by their shoulders. Press now into the hands, while lifting the chest and thighs off the ground. Roll the shoulders back now and keep the neck long. Stay in Urdhva Mukha Svanasana for 5-10 breaths and slowly lower down to the floor.
- Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)
Description: Urdhva Dhanurasana is an advanced backbend pose which deeply opens the chest as well as shoulders. In this advanced pose, the practitioner creates a full backbend by pressing his or her hands and feet into the floor while lifting the hips as well as chest towards the ceiling.
Benefits: This pose gives a deep stretch to the chest and lungs of the practitioner, strengthens his or her arms, legs and back as well as boosts energy and vitality.
The practitioners should lie on their back while keeping the knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place the hands now by the ears with fingers pointing towards the shoulders. Press into the hands and feet, lifting the hips and chest off the ground.
Straighten the arms and legs as much as possible.
- Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
Description: Dhanurasana is a full-body stretching pose that opens the chest as well as strengthens the back. In this pose, the practitioner needs to lie on his or her stomach, bend the knees as well as reach back to hold the ankles while lifting the chest and thighs off the floor.
Benefits: This pose opens the chest and shoulders, improves posture as well as strengthens the back and leg muscles.
For performing this pose, the practitioner has to lie on his or her stomach with the arms by the sides of the body. Bend the knees and reach back to hold the ankles now while lifting the chest and thighs off the ground as well as pulling the feet towards the head.
- Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
Description: Matsyasana is a backbend yoga posture that opens the chest, throat as well as shoulders of the practitioner. This pose is also known as the destroyer of all diseases in traditional texts of yoga due to its numerous physical as well as mental health benefits. This yoga asana involves a practitioner arching his or her back as well as lifting the chest while keeping the legs extended and the head lightly resting on the floor.
Benefits: Opens the chest, throat and abdomen, stimulates the respiratory system of the practitioner’s body as well as helps alleviate tension in the neck and shoulders.
In order to perform this pose, the practitioner needs to lie flat on his or her back with legs extended and arms by the sides. Slide the hands under your hips now while keeping the palms facing down. Press the forearms as well as elbows into the floor while lifting the chest up. The practitioner now has to tilt his or her head back as well as rest the crown of the head on the floor. Keep the legs extended and active.
Heart opening yoga poses for the practitioners are one of the most effective ways to enhance their physical as well as emotional well-being. Bali Yoga Ashram is one of the best yoga ashram in Bali that offers yoga training courses in different yoga styles such as yoga teacher training in Bali, Yoga retreat in Bali. Bali yoga ashram is the place where a person can learn to perform these poses with mindfulness as well as care under the supervision of an experienced teacher. Please get in touch with the Bali yoga ashram for more detailed information about the courses. Join us and enjoy the betterment yoga can have on your journey of self-discovery and wellness.