Ayurveda and its significance: A Simple Way For Everyday Wellness
An IntroductionAyurveda is a medical system of ancient times. It has been in use since a very old time as a holistic approach to complete well-being. Ayurveda is also referred to as the "science of life" or the "knowledge of longevity." Ayurveda is a big system of herbal medicines. This system works by balancing the tridoshas "vata pitta kapha" in order to give overall health and harmony in the body. In this article, we are going to explore Ayurveda in detail, also, we will try to understand its core principles as well as unique concepts and practical applications for modern living.Historical RootsAyurveda has its roots in ancient India. It came into existence as a system of medicine thousands of years ago. The sacred hindu texts “Vedas”, specifically the Atharva Veda…